There was once a man that without having such a great title, he used to read every book he liked until the end, just to know and practice the proper way of thinking from reading. One day he found one guy who believed so much in his well done manners, that he told him.- You don't worth what you know, you should not believe even that you know-. To what this man that reads reponds. - and shouldn't be you pleasing every man with your manners? What are you doing here?.
Diseño, música y escritos. Bodhisattva Soto Zen, discipulo del maestro Paul Dosho Quintero, discipulo de Taisen Deshimaru
martes, 22 de septiembre de 2020
lunes, 21 de septiembre de 2020
domingo, 20 de septiembre de 2020
martes, 15 de septiembre de 2020
Respect my self.
There exist that kind of people that have a lot of money and like to laugh of those who doesn't look like them. And why they laugh? For those who respects their money act against them. So when are we going to begin to respect ourselves and not the other's money?.
Solo para desinteresados en ayudar.
Alguna vez un hombre quizo hacer tanto por hacer algo, que nadie quizo ayudarlo o pagarle. Por hacer algo por alguien, que no quizo nunca hacer nada por nadie.
Some man returned once to his country, the country he was born, to find some answers. And he look for something, smiles were difficult, and from that to something else, even worst, so he is still thinking about what he has to do to find a place where he belongs to...
viernes, 11 de septiembre de 2020
Amor desigual.
Pide solo en momentos de necesidad, no por querer demostrar que sabes. Porque solo se debe ensenar la mano cuando necesitas algo, no con falsedad. Pide en momentos de angustia y desesperacion, de ansiedad y de dolor. No de tristeza y depresion, porque es vanidad. Pide en momentos de riqueza y pobreza por que lo mismo da despues de haber perdido la desigualdad, el amor.
Play the game.
In one way or another, most of the time we don't realize we like to play and we want to win. But must of time when is a matter of work trying to play, we lose.
martes, 8 de septiembre de 2020
EL valor. Courage.
Alguna vez el mundo estuvo tan mal, que desde el origen de todos y todas surgio uno que dijo, yo puedo y eligio nacer entre los mas oscuros, el mas oscuro y desde ese dia viene trayendo al mundo la misma respuesta, en colores diferentes, desde el mas oscuro hasta el mas claro. El que la capto, la entendio, la comprendio y la supo, ya sabe que hacer para dejar la envidia, la ira, el irrespeto y la burla. Y ser de verdad la razon, el espiritu, el alma y el amor de toda causa y valor.
At one time the world was so bad, that from the origin of all and all, one arose who said, I can and chose to be born among the darkest, the darkest and since that day it has been bringing the same answer to the world, in different colors, from the darkest to the lightest. The one who grasped it, understood it, comprehended it and knew it, already knows what to do to leave envy, anger, disrespect and mockery. And to truly be the reason, the spirit, the soul and the love of all causes and courages.
Once a man saw another ask in the street, when he saw him he said to himself: - From now on I will never ask anyone for anything and it will be so easy, as I have never done it even easier will be than being me so ugly and humble I can remember this man whenever I lack the strength to reach a woman or something and it will not be difficult for me. Since this man despite his shape and height has asked for so much and has nothing, for me it will be very easy to show how poor he is and they will give me power and faith for me can make them laugh of him, and thus I can achieve any goal. - And so he left but the man who asked, recovered his sanity and matured, being asking the only thing that gave him strength in life to achieve resistance, patience, love and compassion, to achieve in him and in whatever he want it to, without much effort or haste. On the other hand, the other always taking into account the things that the other had asked for, never asked or ever became what his soul and his God needed at some point in his life. He was carried away by envy and not love. And I sow seeds of hatred and mockery and became dark in his body and soul.
What the well man asked to his good good friends and families.
When one good man once did save his nation from corruption and misbehavior he just asked something to his people, that the fruit he once asked in the street to eat, wasn't taken anymore from the trees of his lands, for him not be seen again in life as a mendicant, but just like a good worker human being. Throw the apple away... and you will throw bad people away from here to there.
lunes, 7 de septiembre de 2020
Perdiste el dinero.
Pobre hombre, tan grande fue su soberbia que al decirle una vez que estando en Colombia me habia masturbado una vez por su mama, que murio por llevarse a todo el mundo con el por haberse masturbado mas de una vez por la mia. Respeta el perdon de los pecados para que no mueras por tantos pecados en silencio. Au revoir. Gassho.
viernes, 4 de septiembre de 2020
Sin tierra no hay escuela.
Cuando la unica y verdadera intencion sea vivir, no necesitaremos maestros.
Falta de amor y comprension entre las parejas.
La gente necia, quiere llenarse la vida de puntos, notas, titulos y certificados, como si con eso pudieran ensenar algo de verdad amablemente.
Tubos en el mar.
En una epoca pocos quedaron en la tierra y muchos poderosos crearon tubos en el mar.
Todo aquel al que admita ser loco y se ria, es porque no le importa lo que su mente y su cuerpo hagan algún día. Así que no mates y rías por...