viernes, 14 de febrero de 2020

Fuerza Guaido.

Como es posible que me meto en youtube y busco fuerza Guaido y no hay nada?. Ni fe le profesan? Venezuela apoyo!
Ok the thing is like this. Could you tell that woman to give me a chance so I could show her how happy can I make her or maybe not but just a little try.
Call me Camela. 
He just thought that he could take days dressing listening to animals. Instead of asking him for a dress. Maybe he thoght the day was to ugly for her. So he decided to take animals dressing.
And that way he still waiting.
Until he call and ask for pardon.
And he just kept his clothes and walk forever through ever.
The day just felt jelaus about how he was treated by naked so he left him alone.

martes, 11 de febrero de 2020
Quizas 500 anos son mas que diez mil kilometros.

Del que se las echa de fino.

Hay personas que se empenan en que hay que saber mas que los demas. Piensan que asi los repetaran a ellos y a los suyos. Y no saben que mientras mas se sabe mas la te irrespetan. Asi que si quieres saber algo no busques que te respeten por eso, busca que sirva de ayuda para ti y para los demas.

Be safe

Can Buddha save you from something? Yes he can, from yourself.
Maybe my words won't help you, maybe you think I'm nuts, but all my nonsense speak maybe someday will result for you of some will.

lunes, 10 de febrero de 2020

To followers of the Buddha.

Some people believe they are true followers of the Buddha and they don't listen to others voices asking them to be followers too. The reason why the Buddha doesn't teach some people is because their followers doesn't teach them or just pretend, that means that the Buddha believes their followers are teaching them but they are not. They keep selecting the ones they THINK that are the best ones to follow him. And he keep looking for the worst ones. So what are this followers doing? They are selecting themselves and not the real merit and suffering ones. Why? Because they are stupids to believe they will be save saving the Buddha and the Buddha doesn't need to be save, he allready knows how to survive in this earth. So look for those who doesn't know how to be save, for those who thinks they know but they are making mistakes, for those to whom you speak and they are so nuts that they don't even care, for those that when you are with them they tell you lies and laugh of you once and again, for those that need you and give a smile but nothing else, for those who pay you atention but then go and speak behind your back bad about what you tell, for those who you share with and they hit you and rape. Look for those because in this world there is nothing else but vanity and hell, and heaven is for those that you now don't understand and they won't try to make you to because they dress of dirty clothes and ask for food and bread. So if followers of Buddha believes Buddha is the end of suffering they should tell... How difficult is the real way.

Don't test that much your intelligence

To destry sins is not just a matter of intelligence the demon hide behind the tests.

How to be natural hurts?

Like all nature suffer human's hands. That's the mendicants truth. That's the mendicant suffering.

How to be natural

Because everyone one who ask has an answer. And that answer you begin to learn with time is NO. So don't touch yourself and you won't have to learn that answer in the streets.
There are people who say everyone who doesn't touch him or herself ends in the street asking for. And I tell you I allready ask for that.  

Women feels

Women, you just don't touch yourself and they don't want be near you and tell you to fuck off. So what should one do? Try to not know them. That way one does not get hurt by feelings. If there is a woman who doesn't care that I don't touch my self, I'm open minded. You can call 6094019051. I like to make love.

domingo, 9 de febrero de 2020

How to be natural

A person who likes to be natural is like a flower in the garden or like a dog in the street. You know something else, you don't have to be like that all your life, but it's a good experience to feel natural and and be like a flower even for one day.

Being natural.

That one who likes to pay for someone asking's for, is taking the merit of that person from being natural.

The enemie of givers

That one who look to pay everyone's asking's for, is the worst enemie for all givers.

Why don't you give without expecting something in return

So why you ask for something you give. If you didn't give with love is because you're waiting for something in return. That way you loose what you give. If you accept that lost you have won a friend. 

I did.

Someone said now there is nothing to do. I sat.

Do something

The happiness of a man doesn't depends on what he owns, it depends on what he is. And what he is, is what he have to do. And that's all we can be. So do you have something to do?

You don't own the way.

So you keep telling you own that place you own his answers. How much did you pay to see me walking.

Believe in people.

So why you tell your walls to teach you, when you can go outside and ask the people. You keep telling I own this and he lived here, so I wont move from here until I know what he does. Don't be a wall. Believe in people, they could teach you everything you want.


So why you tell your walls to teach you, when you can go outside and ask the people. You keep telling I own this and he lived here, so I wont move from here until I know what he does. Be a wall.

My will

But you keep telling I own this those are my answers. And I tell you, you don't own anything you just lost your mind.

Be a man.

If someone tells you I own this but the answer are outside. He is telling he wants to know something but he's not that man.


From the place you leave you shouldn't tell is the place you believe in. If that is the case why leaving that place would make you believe more in it?. In my case I just went looking for other place to believe.

If someone wants to own what he didn't ask for

Someone owns something when he could pay for it. You don't own what you don't ask for.

Don't feel so sure about win

Be aware I don't want to be what you want me to be. Even if I have to pay. Be sure to believe that I'm going to make my day. Fu.

martes, 4 de febrero de 2020

Hay personas que usan la musica no como un medio para divertir al publico, sino como un medio para lograr sus objetivos egoistas.

lunes, 3 de febrero de 2020

No quiero la fama para nada que no quiera quien yo quiera. Que yo ame como mia y que no deje de serlo en vida. 
Si el poder se lograra comulgando, la iglesia seria de alfileres y palos.
Si el comunismo fuera la respuesta, el periodismo seria la protesta. 
La persona realmente aprende a agradecer el cambio, cuando comienza a agradecerce a si misma. 
Si la fama se hizo para pedir las joyas de un reino y el trabajo para poder comprar ademas de esas otras ventajas,  que rey no vive sino es bajo el techo de su propia casa.
I don't know,I don't care. 

Tubos en el mar.

 En una epoca pocos quedaron en la tierra y muchos poderosos crearon tubos en el mar.